Introducing our donkeys
Did you know that donkeys are very intelligent animals? They think a lot, always consider and weigh situations before deciding to do something. This is often misinterpreted by us as stubborn. So, bring a little patience. In difficult situations, they keep a cool head and don’t just bolt like the much more fearful horses do. Donkeys do not like to be alone, they prefer to live in a herd.
Toni & Schorschl
Toni & Schorschl have only come to us in February 2021 and already feel ” well as donkeys “.
At Friedrichshof they can live in a relaxed way – they don’t need to work and don’t have to carry heavy loads. They simply look forward to our guests stopping by to pet and feed them. They prefer to eat hay, straw or pasture grass. Donkeys live about 25 to 50 years.

Feeding the donkey as part of the childcare program
For our little guests at Friedrichshof, Toni and Schorschl are something very special. Many children are a bit hesitant and we teach them how to approach the animals so as not to scare them away. How are donkeys fed, what do they like, do they eat from your hand? We show all this to the children and teach them how to take care of them. Feeding and also petting the animals is done under supervision, we make sure that the children learn how to handle the animals properly.